The top reasons why you should invest in your looks

Why you should invest in your looks

8. May 2021admin

If you reflect on your last couple of dating adventures, what would you say? How close did you get to finding finding Mr Right? If you are reading this article, then chances are that you weren’t too lucky after all. All you want is meet a successful guy with a great lifestyle and a winning personality? This month we will share top tips from our dating experts to make sure this feels less like an impossible endeavour and more like a challenge where you hold a few aces right from the start. While you cannot influence who you are going to meet, you can certainly influence how they perceive you. Here’s why you should invest in your looks when you are serious about dating.

Why you should invest in your looks
Why you should invest in your looks

Dating experts explain why you should invest in your looks

The main reason why you should invest in your looks is pretty plain and simple. Whenever we meet new people, we form a first impression within seconds based on what we see. Perhaps unsurprisingly, we quite literally judge the book from its cover before we have read the first page. When you see a man from a distance, you obviously can’t know who you are dealing with. Whether you decide to approach him usually depends on his looks, the way he dresses and behaves. Of course it is perfectly possible that you find out just after a couple of minutes in your first conversation with him that he is totally not your type (or the opposite). However, research has shown that people are less likely to change their first impression later on.

Dating experts explain why you should invest in your looks
Dating experts explain why you should invest in your looks

Our dating expert Kimberly explains why you should invest in your looks to increase your chances with men. ”When you make a good first impression, you are basically halfway there. That’s just the way humans are. You see someone, and if they make the right impression and you feel attracted to them, you will be much more forgiving and patient when it comes to getting to know them better.“ In other words, a man is much more likely to express interest and listen to what you have to say when you already convince him by your appearance. ”If he eyes you from 10 metres away, you definitely have an advantage over all the other potentially interesting singles out there.“

The top reasons why you should invest in your looks

Of course there are other reasons why you should invest in your looks. Apart from standing out from the crowd and making a stunning entrance, it will also give you a confidence boost. ”People often link attractiveness to success, but actually that’s just part of the story“, Kimberly explains. ”It is fact that attractive people are on average more successful in life. A better job, a wealthier, more successful partner – there’s definitely a pattern here. That being said, it is not about the attractiveness per se. A pretty face alone doesn’t open doors for you. It’s what you do with it.“

The top reasons why you should invest in your looks
The top reasons why you should invest in your looks

Good-looking people are typically high achievers, not because of their attractiveness itself, but because they are aware of it. In other words: others will notice your increased self-confidence. When you feel good in your skin, you radiate an aura of success that attracts others. It goes without saying that this also increases your chances of finding a highly successful partner.

How to increase your attractiveness for rich guys

“If you are serious about dating successful men, you know why you should invest in your looks. The question is: what options do you have?“ There is no ’one fits all’ recipe for the perfect makeover. It always pays off to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced nutrition and a good amount of exercise. How you should dress really depends on your personal style. Sexy and provocative is definitely not the way to go for everyone. If you are a casual or sporty type, you will look much more natural and comfortable in a neat pair of jeans than a cocktail dress.

How to increase your attractiveness for rich guys
How to increase your attractiveness for rich guys

One other thing you may want to consider for a more dramatic makeover is plastic surgery. While the initial investment is steep, there are so many things you can change or improve, it can definitely make a big difference. ”As a rule of thumb, if there is something that really bothers you, and you feel it really makes you feel insecure and overly conscious, I suggest you look into the options,“ Kimberly says. There are always options. It’s just a matter of finding out what is right for you.

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