Why your night out is more fun when you hang out with generous men

How to spot rich guys in bars

24. October 2021admin

I often get asked by curious readers how to spot rich guys in bars or clubs. We’re talking a lot about smart dating arrangements and finding an ideally Mr Right on this blog, and I usually recommend people to give dating apps a try. While I don’t mind meeting men spontaneously in public, I simply feel that it requires less effort to make a good catch on a sugar daddy app. In clubs and lounges, you have to pay attention to detail and ask the right questions without asking them. After all, you don’t want to come across as a greedy gold digger who is only interested in his money. That being said, there are some strategies that teach you how to spot rich guys in bars that I want to share with you today.

How to spot rich guys in bars
How to spot rich guys in bars

How to spot rich guys in bars – the ultimate dating guide

First things first: Location matters! While you can meet anybody anywhere if you are at the right place at the right time, some research almost always pays off. What I mean by that is that you stand better chances of meeting a millionaire if you hang out in the same places. In most cities you have trendy night out spots and fancy lounges that attract a specific clientele. You can also try your luck in 5 star hotels, but personally I am not the biggest fan. You can easily meet business travellers there, but those men are often only after a one-night stand with zero commitments. Depending on the night, those places can also be pretty empty and boring.

With that being said, let’s look at the basic strategies that teach you how to spot rich guys in bars the moment you walk in.

How to spot rich guys in bars without talking to them

How to spot rich guys in bars without talking to them
How to spot rich guys in bars without talking to them

As a rule of thumb, you should always try to profile a man before you even approach him. Once you get the conversation going, it is much more straightforward to figure out what he does and how much he might earn as he will probably tell you anyway. Unfortunately, you are somewhat trapped once you sit down to talk, and leaving a dull conversation is sometimes tricky. My suggestion: Avoid those situations whenever you can. In fact, pro sugar babies know how to spot rich guys in bars without even talking to them first!

Check a guy’s outfit and his demeanour. Obviously a suit doesn’t come with a price tag, but his clothes can often already tell you something useful about him. Is he wearing business attire? A tie? Chances are that he works in finance – busy working day, no time to change before going out. Successful men also have a thing for expensive watches. In many professional industries, a luxury watch is an unmistakable status symbol. If he can afford a certain luxury watch brand, he probably wants to demonstrate his position of powers to others. For that reason you should always check a man’s wrist first!

Why your night out is more fun when you hang out with generous men

Why your night out is more fun when you hang out with generous men
Why your night out is more fun when you hang out with generous men

Generous men make the best company for a fun night out if you ask me. Not only will they be happy to pay for your drinks and taxi, no. They are often also quite easy to entertain. Successful businessmen love to talk about their work and their achievements! So, if you play along, you can easily make them feel great about themselves. In return, they often love to spoil their company a bit to show off in front of everybody. A win-win situation if you ask me!

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