What is a salt daddy?

Salt Daddy – How to Avoid Dating Posers

31. August 2021admin

Finding Mr Right is not easy despite the abundance of free dating apps. If you have ever tried online dating, you know this from first hand experience. A lot of guys sound like the perfect match on their profiles, but when you meet up in real life, they are complete disappointments. The higher your expectations, the deeper the potential fall. Introducing the salt daddy, or why pretending to be rich and generous is a sneaky dating strategy of some male losers. You want to settle for someone successful who can afford a luxurious lifestyle? Find out how to avoid salt daddies posing for successful businessmen with our free dating advice!

How to Avoid Dating a Salt Daddy
How to Avoid Dating a Salt Daddy

What is a salt daddy?

A salt daddy is basically a man who has no real sugar to offer, but who lies right into your face and pretends to be rich and happy to splurge and spoil you in return for dates. What’s in it for him? Obviously he will try to get into your pants and have sex without effort. While sex can be part of a dating arrangement, you should get what you negotiated in return. Needless to say that you usually won’t ever hear from your salt daddy again after he got what he wanted. Not that you would want to waste any time with such a guy anyway, but you shouldn’t even get into this situation in the first place. So what can you do to avoid going on a date with a salt daddy?

What is a salt daddy?
What is a salt daddy?

How to avoid dating a salt daddy

You should absolutely avoid dating a salt daddy. When men are posing as rich to get your attention, they are well aware that they are way out of your league. If you have the looks, you ca afford to have high standards. Vice versa, the guys dating you should be able to afford your lifestyle. Don’t settle for a cheapskate who doesn’t have what it takes to spoil and pamper you. A rich and generous man who understands how mutually beneficial relationships work should be happy to prove to you that he can be trusted. There is absolutely no reason for you to get intimate with him without him giving you something upfront.

When a man brags about being filthy rich, he should have no problem to take you out on a fantastic date night first. If he has class, he shouldn’t show up without a gift, anyway. Another good rule of thumb is going into negotiations before you even meet up. The guys who are serious about having an arrangement with a beautiful woman should always agree on some basic rules. In the end this is in their best interest. An honest guy would always want to know what you expect from him. After all, the sugar dating terms have to be acceptable for him, too.

The best way to spot fake guys posing as rich and generous

The best way to spot fake guys posing as rich and generous
The best way to spot fake guys posing as rich and generous

Unfortunately you cannot directly tell from someone’s Dating profile whether they are genuinely rich or not, but there are a few things to look out for. When you chat with a new guy, always ask him about his job, and to share a couple of pictures with him. Is he able to prove to you that he is who he claims to be? While a lot of guys prefer to be discreet, you can expect to at least see a few pictures that show his lifestyle. The best sugaring apps sometimes also have verification features where men can validate their financial status. This is obviously the best option, so it might be worth it to compare a couple of dating sites and their security features.

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