Gold Digger Confessions

More and more Millennials are obsessed with the idea of mutually beneficial relationships and dating arrangements. As social norms and expectations change, even the love life of Millennials is not exempt from a minor revolution. Relationships with a considerable age difference were often looked upon in a deprecative fashion in the past. However, even casual dating arrangements and mutually beneficial relationships are now far more common than they used to be. A sugar baby or gold digger is more likely to be open about her motivation than she would have been a couple of years ago. We wanted to dig a bit deeper into this hot dating trend to understand the motivations of gold diggers. Read on and get ready for some saucy gold digger confessions for the bigger picture.
Gold digger confessions – Why I am attracted to older men
I have no shame in admitting that I am a sugar baby. When people see me and my boyfriend on the street, they usually assume that he is my real dad. Or more fittingly, some guess that he must be my sugar daddy. I have to admit from the looks alone he could pass as my father, although he is only 15 years older than me (I am 28). For me, he is still super attractive, though. What can I say? One of my first gold digger confessions would have to be that I simply prefer the salt and pepper look in men. I like younger guys, too, but I prefer the seasoned, mature demeanour and looks of an older man. It won’t surprise anybody when I say that it works the other way around, too. Yes, my boyfriend is without doubt proud to go out with a younger woman.
Why maturity is so attractive in men

Number 2 on the list of my gold digger confessions is all about the personality of older guys. I simply enjoy being with a man who does not make me feel like he constantly has to prove himself. In my opinion, maturity is very attractive. With young guys I sometimes feel that they have to compensate their lack of self-confidence, which I find exhausting. No thanks! I can’t point it out enough for my gold digger confessions: I prefer daddies for their personality and looks!
Gold digger confessions – How my sugar daddy spoils me

Some people are still baffled when I tell them that my partner offers me a monthly allowance. It seems strange to them that I would willingly take money from a guy that I have been dating for several months now. I have a job, and I don’t necessarily need extra money to cover my monthly expenses. However, on the top of my list of gold digger confessions is that I can’t resist luxury. I love designer clothes, and I am obsessed with shopping. When it comes to dating, I would much rather be in a luxurious, high end restaurant or lounge than a forgettable venue. For me, dating is all about memorable experiences. It goes without saying that a man who can afford my preferred lifestyle is in a better position to make me happy.