How to meet wealthy men in a bar

How to meet wealthy men

10. September 2020admin

Going out with younger guys can be a real test for your patience. In my experience, guys in their 20s often act like they constantly have to prove themselves. On the one hand, they are confident in their looks and their overall sex appeal, but on the other hand they know they don’t usually have much going for them. A guy who still stands at the beginning of his career simply does not have much else to offer. If you have certain expectations when it comes to your lifestyle, you should definitely consider looking elsewhere. I have dated several highly successful guys in the past, so I’ll share my advice on how to meet wealthy men. Because why settle for average when you can find somebody truly amazing?

How to meet wealthy men
How to meet wealthy men

How to meet wealthy men in a bar

When it comes to dating, you can always go the classic route and try your luck in a bar. While it is not the easiest way to find somebody interesting, it is definitely possible. If you ask yourself how to meet wealthy men when there are only average, boring guys everywhere, you are probably looking in the wrong place. My first advice here would be to find out where the successful guys hang out in your city. There are typically some bars and lounges that are more popular with businessmen. To spot the guys who are worth talking to, pay attention to the subtle details that tell more than you might expect.

How to meet wealthy men in a bar
How to meet wealthy men in a bar

Top tips for spotting rich guys in bars

How is he dressed? Overly casual or sexy business attire?
Is he wearing an expensive watch?
What is he drinking? Obviously this is not the most important thing as we all have preferences. But if he is ordering a particularly expensive drink, my guess would be that he is able to afford a certain lifestyle.
Last but not least: Is he with friends or by himself? I find it always easier to approach a guy who is by himself. It’s easier to make eye contact so you can figure out if he is open to chat and flirt. Business travellers are often hanging out by themselves in a bar when they are on a work trip, and they usually fall into the right demographic.

You know how to meet wealthy men in a bar if you know what to look out for. Check your environment and your’ll see that there are always good opportunities for a flirt.

How to meet wealthy men on the Internet

Alternatively, you can also join a dating site or dating app to look for someone with a similar lifestyle. The best thing about dating apps is that there are so many different people you can talk to at the same time. It is therefore much easier to get in touch with somebody you might actually like. Still, there are a couple of things to consider if you want to know how to meet wealthy men online.

How to meet wealthy men on the Internet
How to meet wealthy men on the Internet

First and foremost, it really makes a difference where you look. Quite similar to the situation you have with bars, different dating apps attract different crowds. Personally I have been quite successful with dating apps for sugar daddy relationships or older guys. Honestly, whether you see yourself as a sugar baby or not does not really matter. You can be sure the quality of the guys on these apps is more in line with what you are looking for. It’s time to go for successful and generous!

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